Friday, December 9, 2011

Letters to Sophie Rose...

This day was one of the most memorable days I've had in my life.
Aub and I had a photography assignment due that had to tell a story in 5 pictures.
I received inspiration on Monday night to do a story about Sophie Rose Barton.

It's been a little over a year since the passing of such an amazing person.
I was at my grandma's house that evening and I called my cousin Chelsea to come over and hang out.
She passed the news to me and I was in shock.
I didn't know how to feel.
I didn't know what to say.
I didn't know why.
Instantly, I told Jessica and Stephen about the news.
My first action was to kneel down right there in the backyard and say a prayer.

That night as I lay in my bed, looking at Sophie's Facebook profile,
Tears filled my eyes.
I began to question why her?
Why such a perfect human being who had so much going for her?
Why does her family have to go through such pain?
I got mad.
I was furious.
Then an overwhelming feeling of peace filled my room.
She is happy.
She is no longer in pain.
She is singing with the angels.
She is watching over her family.
She is helping me.

I did Clayton with Sophie.
We weren't in the same group, but we went on tour together.
I had seminary with Sophie.
She sat behind me.
Studying her scriptures.
Writing down notes.
She was perfect.

I would watch her and her sister Tessa walk down the halls of Olympus.
Hand in hand.
Smiles on their faces.
Beautiful clothes on.
They are best friends.

Aubs and I went to the funeral together.
Most beautiful thing I have ever been to.
Most everyone was wearing white.
Sophie's color.
I sat there with Aubrey.
Holding her hand.
Not wanting to think of the thought of ever losing Aubrey.
I held onto that moment.
I always will.

Aubrey and I drove to Salt Lake and went straight over to the Barton home.
Her mother, Anne-Marie, welcomed us with open arms.
They have made the "Dream Tree".
People come and write notes for Sophie.
We stood next to the tree in awe.
We decided to go in Sophie's room.
It's the same.
Sneakers in place.
Books in place.
Everything left the way it should be.
We sat on her bed with Anne as she told us stories about Soph.
She let us read Sophie's song writing journal.
She started writing songs at age 10.
She was so determined to finish 10 songs by age 17.
She did it.
She did more than that.
Anne took pictures of us as we read her lyrics and recognized the songs.
We found a page with her song "This Feeling".
All 3 of us were singing them.

Aubs took pictures of the room while Anne-Marie and I sat on the bench in her room and looked at a scrapbook made by a complete stranger.
The pictures were from the funeral.
Anne hadn't looked at the book yet.
We were both in silence.
In tears.
We left with good advice given by Anne-Marie.
Such a strong woman.
Such an example.
I cannot wait to see that reunion between Sophie and her mother.
They are eternal best friends.

Aubrey and I made our way over to Sophie's grave.
We got white balloons...Sophie's color.
We sat there and wrote a letter to her.
We laughed.
We sat in silence.
We hugged each other.
We shared a moment that will never be forgotten.
The weather was freezing.
But my heart was warm with the feeling of Sophie there.

We tied the note to the balloons.
We released them into the sky...up to Heaven.
People always say that the balloons will eventually deflate or get caught in a tree somewhere.
I don't believe that.
That letter made it to Heaven.
Sophie read it.
I have the faith that she did.

We we were leaving,
Aub pointed out the moon.
It was 4:45 and the moon was out.
Whenever I look at the moon, I think of Sophie.
She was there with us the whole time.
She was laughing with us when we laughed.
She sat in silence...right next to us.
She smiled.

I have gotten to know Sophie in a completely different way.
She is one of my guardian angels.
I feel her in the wind.
I feel her when I'm sad.
It's like she is sitting on my bed with me.
Wiping my tears away.
She is a friend.
She is a sister.
She is perfect.
The moon.
The roses.
The rainbows.
The wind.
The rain.
The sunlight.
The music.
It's all Sophie.

I am forever grateful for this perfect soul who taught me to:
"Feel the fear and do it anyway."
-Sophie Rose Barton

I love this girl.
I'm so grateful for this assignment.
I'm grateful for the story.
Yes. It's horrible and sad.
Yes. It's meaningful and happy.
Sophie only wants us to be happy...
because she is.

I love the impact this assignment had on my life.
On Aubrey's life.
On my photography instructor's life. he looked at my assignment...
He teared up.
Sophie was there.
I know it.

I am eternally grateful for that amazing angel.




We love and miss you Sophie Rose Barton.

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