Monday, April 30, 2012


Aubrey Jo Nilsson...
That name makes me smile none other.
I adore this girl.
Our story is the best.

My sister Jessica and I were in Clayton Productions.
Throwing me in that studio was the best thing my parents ever did for me.
It's how I met Aub.
I remember this day like it was yesterday.

Jessica and Austin {Aub's brother} were in the same group.
They were performing at Trolly Square.
I had just gotten done performing.
I was anxious to go play or do anything that a typical 4th would do.
I turn around and saw the escalators.
There was a little brunette there playing on them.
Playing on escalators the only way you can.
Up the down.
Down the up.
It's brilliant.

I ran over there and started playing.
This girl asked what my name was.
I found out that Austin was her brother.
We had one thing in common that we knew of...siblings that did Clayton.
That's all we needed to become instant friends.

I left that night and told my mom about my fun night with my new fun friend.
Unfortunately, I didn't see this new fun friend for a long time.
My mom signed me up for group vocal lessons.
I went and made some friends.
This girl got up and sang "I Just Can't Wait to be King".
She was dang good.
She look familiar.
It was AUBREY!
We starting talking again.
She told me that Chad Nilsson was her older brother.
Chad was my best friend in "Good News".
I was stoked.
I found out later on that Aub finally joined Clayton.

We were never in the same group, but we did go on some pretty fun tours together.
Branson. {roomies}
I quite Clayton for my senior year of high school.
I ended up going back for Synergy.
Aubrey and Chad came to a lot of the performances.
I loved seeing them in the audience.
I was able to be an unofficial chaperone on the NYC tour.
Aub was there and we made memories!
It was a good summer.

Aubrey and I had mentioned something about living together if we both got into BYU.
I wasn't enjoying the U and so I was looking into different schools.
We both didn't get it.
So UVU it was for Aub.
and USU it was for me....or was it?
I couldn't decide.

I used to teach at Clayton on Monday nights for technique.
It was always a joy to see Aubrey.
She mentioned that she decided to go to UVU.
She gave me the idea to apply.
With the hope that I would decided to go and that we could live together.
She was so amazing and patient with me.
I could tell that she wanted me to go to UVU sooo bad.
She never pressured me.
She let me make this decision all on my own.

I was praying one night.
Begging for some sort of an answer since I had to decide soon.
I called up my sister Jessica for advice.
I told her that Aub and I would live together if I went to UVU.
She said, "Well Annie, you will make it fun no matter where you go...but duh!! This is Aubrey!"
Okay okay....
I was driving home from school the next day and I was on the phone with my mom.
Without any sort of hesitation I told my mom that I made my decision.
She was stoked.
I was stoked.
Next phone call was to Aubrey.
She didn't answer.
Voicemail: "Hey best friend! I was just wondering if you still need a roommate this fall! Because I need one too! Call me back! Love you!"
She was in St. George and she texted me back.
She was sooooo excited.
Which made me even more excited about my decision.

We made arrangements and toured Village on the Parkway.
Signed up and got in.

August 24, 2011.
We moved in.
I remember walking into our room with boxes and boxes of things.
There was Aubrey and her mom waiting for us.
We hugged and hugged!
It was the start of a new life.
I didn't start living down there for a few days but once August 28th came about, it was an amazing life for me.

I knew from the first post-it note that Aub left on my desk that this would be a fun year.
It was so easy to live with her.
If her side of the room was was most likely that mine was too.
We had some good laughs.
We had some good cries.

Our first semester was a semester for us 2.
We weren't very social.
We kept to ourselves and I was honestly more than okay with that.
Second semester was a completely different ball game.
We made friends.
It was so easy.
People would always ask us, "where have you guys been for the past year?"
Well....just our room....hanging out....with each other.
It was so much fun to finally make friends and to do it together.
Whenever she went somewhere without me people would ask, "where's annie?"
Or whenever I went somewhere without her people would ask, "where's aubrey?"
I never got sick of that question.
Never have.
Never will.
She my other half.

Aubrey is:

I couldn't have asked for a better friend.
Aubrey and I became best friends the day we met at Trolly Square. There was no doubt in my mind. It didn't take much effort for us to get to the point where we are at now. I would greet her as my best friend every time I saw her. She is special.

Aubrey and I have a friendship that is very rare.
It's sacred.
It's a friendship that you don't see very often.
It's our own.
Aub and I have NEVER gotten in a fight.
Who needs that?
I have found fights to be worthless.
And I know without a doubt that IF we were to ever get in a fight that we would work it out in 3 minutes.
We are able to make friends with other people and not worry about losing each other.
I never get jealous of her.
Boys worship this girl.
I sit here as a proud best friend loving it all!

We made so many amazing memories together and it makes me happy that there are more to come!
I get to see her all the time this summer.
Sleepovers...a lot.
Summer list activities.
Road trips.
I guess you can say that it will be an amazing summer!

I love Aubrey Jo Nilsson.
I love the little things I have learned about her this year.
She doesn't like ketchup, mayo, etc.
She LOVES rolls.
She LOVES Paris.
She bites her cheek a lot.
She isn't a morning person...just like me.
I already knew that she was funny before...but man...she really is HILARIOUS!
She has been to J-Dawgs...tee hee.
She is just amazing.

It was an amazing year and I can't wait to live with her again in the near future!
I love you Aubrey!
You are amazing.
Thank you for being my
best friend.

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