Friday, June 8, 2012

The Buried Life.

I've been working down in Arizona this past week and it's been great.
I've had some alone time and with that alone time I have:
Written an 8 page english paper.
Blasted my own music.
Slept with no noise in a family room.
Played sudoku.
Watched the Bachelorette.
Slept some more.
And started watching a new show.
...well it's not's 2 years old.
But it's new to me.
The Buried Life.

For those who have never heard of it.
It's a show about 4 guys who have a bucket list.
Each episode is them crossing off an item.
It's pretty legit.
And the items are pretty insane.
...Ask out the girl of your dreams...
They did and they succeeded...
Taylor Swift.
...Get married in Vegas...
They did.

Now you will think this show is bizarre and trust me.
It is.
But then you find out there is such a special meaning as to why they do this.
For every item they cross off their list...they help someone else fulfill something 
they want to do before they die.

I found this last episode to be amazing.
Their item was to help deliver a baby.
They were mostly there for support.
It was amazing to see these 20ish year olds supporting this woman.
They were so sweet about being there for her and helping her and 
her husband out with the labor and delivery.

In the middle of the episode, they met a random girl on the street.
Her name was Queen.
Her and her mother were in hurricane Katrina.
They got split up.
Her mother got sick and ended up dying and was buried in Denver.
This girl had never been to her mother's grave sight to say goodbye.
These 4 boys got a job at a local restaurant for the day to raise
money to send Queen to Denver.
They succeeded.
Sent her off to help her find her mother.
They found her grave sight and it was amazing.
This girl just cried and cried.
They cried with her.
I cried with them.

This girl said something pretty amazing and simple...
"There's nothing like a mom."
She is right. 
There really is nothing like a mom.
I thought of my own mom and how amazing she is.
I couldn't stand the thought of losing her the way this girl
lost her own mother.
Not being able to say goodbye.
Not being able to attend her funeral.
It hurt me to think of that.
How lucky am I that I still have my mom around?
I love my mom.

I was truly inspired tonight.
This show is amazing.
Who would have thought 4 boys could make a huge
impact on not only this girl's life...but my own?
Thank you Ben, Duncan, Dave and Jonnie.

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