Thursday, March 8, 2012


I didn't know bloggers played tag!
This will be fun!
Thank you Elsa Marin for tagging me!

Here I go!

Here are the rules:
1. post these rules.
2. post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. go to their blog and tell them they've been tagged.

1. I am a Disney fanatic...Belle is my favorite princess.
2. It's my dream to go to Australia.
3. I LOVE sushi.
4. I HATE shopping...sorry girls.
5. I am not a picky eater.
6. I'd rather be in sweats and a t-shirt than nice's what you get for being a dancer.
7. I don't think I look good in the color pink.
8. I think about minoring in Deaf Studies.
9. I prefer drinking water out of Fiji or SmartWater water bottles.
10. My favorite dinner conversations are quoting movie lines.
11. I LOVE Audrey Hepburn....Thank you Beth for getting me into her at age 9.

1. what is your biggest pet peeve?
...That little triangle that doesn't get wiped on the windshield...drives me bonkers!

2. its friday night and you can do whatever you want-what are you going to do??

...Some sort of movie marathon with my friends and lots of yummy food!

3. harry potter or hunger games?...your fate depends on this answer
...Hunger games...ya...never read Harry Potter...I am a freak...I KNOW!

4. favorite tv show?


5. if you could choose any three places to visit, what would they be and why?'s a beautiful country...and so are the men along with their accents.
...Jerusalem... to walk where Christ walked.
...India... humanitarian work.

6. movie line you quote the most. go. 

..."Yzma! Put your hands in the air!"
-Emperor's New Groove

7. whats something you want to learn how to do?

...Cook like a pro!

8. which celebrity's style do you envy the most?

...Taylor Swift's...some elegance there..but also very simple at times!

9. most embarrassing middle school moment-tell us. 

...7th grade...thought Marijuana was a beverage.

10. liam hemsworth or alex pettyfer?

...Liam Hemsworth. Hands down.

11. who was the best teacher you had in grade school?

...Aaron Whitehead....government/teacher aid for him senior year.

You have been tagged!
1. Jessica Rose Garrett
2. Aubbie Jo.
3. Jono Ashby.
4. Emmy Turner

1. Biggest fear in life?
2. Do you prefer parties with a big crowd or staying in for the night with a small group of friends?
3. What was your first email address ever? Any reason as to why is was that?
4. What is your favorite store in the mall and why?
5. First job you ever had as a teenager?
6. Roses or gerber daisies?
7. What is a talent that you possess that you want to magnify?
8. Dream date?
9. What color is your toothbrush?...We are getting personal here!
10. If you could switch places with anyone for the day...who would it be?
11. What is your favorite childhood memory?

Tag away!

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