Thursday, October 24, 2013


Sometimes life kicks you in the butt. 
And it hurts.
Sometimes you try so hard.
But it doesn't get noticed.
Sometimes you just want to stay in bed all day.
But you can't.
Sometimes you just want to cry.
But your tear ducts are already dried out from lunch time's cry.
Sometimes when someone asks, "What are you going to do?"
All you can say over and over again is..."I don't know..."
Sometime those "I don't know's" get old and all you want is some sort of a solution. 
But those "I don't know's" are sticking around. 
Sometimes you want to hear a "yes".
But a "no" seems to get in the way.
Sometimes...just sometimes...

But I'm trying...
I guess that all you can really do at this point.

Keep trying.

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much Annie! I hope you know I'm here and would drop anything to be there if you need me.
