Sunday, August 19, 2012


I have no idea was Liebster is but I was tagged in my dear friend Elsa Marin's blog. Els said so herself that it makes her feel like it's a 5th grade email chain. I will say something about those....I followed those chain rules religiously. The whole, "send this to 10 people within 5 minutes and your crush will show up on your driveway." I'd send the email to 10 people and go outside and wait for my crush to come....he never came. Yes I know...I'm was pathetic. Okay so here are the rules:

...Each people must post 11 things about themselvses.
...Answer the questions that the tagger set for you. PLUS create 11 questions for the people you have tagged to answer.
...Choose 11 people and link them to your post.
...Go to their page and tell them.

Here I go!

11 things that make me who I am:

1. I can't drink a drink out of a cup unless I have a straw. If I don't have a straw....I usually spill my diet coke or water everywhere. I guess I get this weird quirk from my mother.

2. If I am eating harvest cheddar sun chips, I can only wash it down with a Dr. Pepper. And if I am eating baked lays, I like to wash is down with some rootbeer....try it. It's yummy!

3. I hate stepping on cracks in the'll break my mom's back!!

4. All of my dollar bills have to be facing the same ways in my wallet or in my catering till at work. I'm not OCD...I'm just weird.

5. When I am throwing a piece of paper away, I ALWAYS tear it in half. No matter what.

6. I only chew on half pieces of gum. Those who know me very well know this to be an Annie quirk.

7. Whenever I use a public bathroom, I ALWAYS use the stall closest to the door....I honestly don't know why I do. Maybe it's because it's the stall that usually gets's more clean! Again....I'm not OCD. Just me.

8. I always play a game of sudoku on my phone before I go to bed. 2 reasons....1. I think I dominate at them. and 2. It helps my eyes get tired and so I fall asleep quickly. Again....those who know me very well will know that sudoku is my thang.

9. I'm a sucker for guitar players. I can play like 2 and a half chords. So my hat is off to those who can play anything.

10. Whenever I fill up my car with gas, the total has to be even. None of this $46.78 crap. I'll pay an extra .22 cents to get that $47.00 even total.

11. This is a confession....I am slowly...again....SLOWLY people....warming up to the idea of shopping. My close friends know that shopping is the devil for me. I get tired and really impatient. I honestly go to the mall for the food court...I mean...who doesn't? But yes....I have shopped more this year than I have in my entire life.

Elsa Marin's Questions:

1. Tell us about your blogging life. Why do you blog? What do you prefer to blog about? Those kinds of things...
--- I started blogging when I moved down to Orem. I am really bad at writing in journals but I love journaling. I felt that blogging would be the best way. I love blogging about my day. Like I said....I love journaling. I do have a private blog that only me, myself and I can see. That blog is where I let EVERYTHING out. It has really helped to get my true feelings out and only I read about it.

2. If you had to choose only one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
---- It's hard to pick ONE movie... but I would pick The Prestige. I love C. Bale. And I know he loves me. The Prestige or Dark Knight...ooohhh.. no.....Newsies! Shoot! Such a hard but good question.

3. Guilty pleasure? What is yours? ;)
--- CHOCOLATE... need I say more? Thought so.

4. What is your current favorite color of nail polish?
--- I love nail polish on my nails when they actually have some length to them....I'm a nail biter. BUT....I have loved painting my nails red! Makes me feel classy.

5. Favorite place to eat at?
--- Cafe Rio. They never let me down.

6. Who is your role model and why?
--- My 2 sisters and older cousins: Kim, Missy and Steph are my role models. I have looked up to them for as long as I can remember. They are my best friends. They are my angels. I don't know what I would do with out them. I have gotten closer with them as I've gotten older. They are my go-to gals! And they always will be.

7. What is your favorite Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor?
--- Honestly? I don't eat Ben and Jerry's....I am a Haagen Daaz flavor please!

8. Where do you hope to see yourself in 5 years?
--- Hopefully back from a mission, married, done with school. I would love to be teaching. Maybe have a kid! We'll see! I just want to be 100% sure will all of my big life decisions.

9. If you could go to any concert, what would it be?
--- Another Billy Joel concert. The dude is getting old and it makes me sad. I went to his concert when I was a sophomore in high school and I will never forget it.

10. Biggest celebrity crush. Go.
--- Ryan Gosling. We are married and have 4 children in my mind. He's the best husband ever. It gets hard at times when my sister Jessica tries to steal him from me though. We both have an obsession over him.

11. What are your upcoming expectations for this fall?
--- I will be working my can off. I just got promoted and so I will be making a lot more money. I am also hoping to have made my decision for school for Jan. 2013.

I know I'm breaking the last few rules... I blogged about this because it's fun thinking of all of the weird quirks and habits I have. I loved Elsa's questions. This blog post took me back to 5th grade. And I loved it all!

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