Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I was trying to figure out how I was going to share with you my experiences of Ecuador.
Day by day?
One big post?
None of the them sounded very appealing to me.
Would anyone read them?
I felt like maybe writing posts about certain life changing experiences that I had over there would be the best way to express to you how amazing my journey was.

Experience #1: The Iguana Park...

I'm going to be honest...our first night in Ecuador was interesting for me. I didn't feel like I was on tour and for some reason...I was already homesick. I don't know why I was. I mean...I had my old roommate and best friend in my room, I have done a Synergy tour before, I was with an amazing group who was my second family, and I was safe. I fell asleep and woke up excited for the day. We visited the LDS temple in Guayaquil and sang for the temple presidents. Tour was feeling more like tour. For some reason, I was waiting for more. We went to an iguana park in the middle of the city. Silly huh? Iguana park? Let me tell was awesome! Just iguanas roaming around freely, eating lettuce and enjoying the company of humans. We were getting strange looks from people in the park. They were all confused as to why a big group of white Americans were invading their city. I would be confused too. There was a big band full of older men playing all sorts of songs. They let us sing for them and then they played "New York, New York" for us. I knew right then and there that these people of this beautiful country were special. Then we sang "A Mi Lindo" for them. The crowd went nuts. Tour. Was here. I had a big smile on my face as I came to the realization that I was in Ecuador, performing for complete strangers and being the happiest I have been in a long time. A little girl caught my eye. She looked about 13. She had the biggest smile on her face. She was beautiful. She was perfect. She was down syndrome. I couldn't help but glue my eyes to hers while we sang a'capella for the crowd. **For those of you who know me, I have a special place in my heart for kids with special needs. I am going into special education and I was an aide for a special needs singing and dancing group for 5 years. I have a special connection with these children.** After we sang I ran right over to her and she threw her arms around me. Again...tour was here. I was in Ecuador. Ready to change the world and be changed. I just didn't expect it to happen this quickly. I was able to communicate with her with the little spanish I knew. Her name was Elle. She couldn't stop hugging me and smiling. I made a new friend. A best friend. I wish I was fluent in spanish so I could ask her about life. What her favorite color was. What she did for fun. What she loved about life. What her favorite Disney movie was. I wanted to know EVERYTHING about Elle. This language barrier was going to take some time to get used to. But all I really knew was that I had a connection with her and that she was special. She was my friend. I had a thought that I WILL see her again. And she WILL remember me. It will be a beautiful reunion and I cannot wait.

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