Monday, July 22, 2013


Project number 3 was start right after summer camp and G.L.O.W. was over. MURALS!!! Now I'm no beautiful sister Bethany got those genes...but I had an absolute blast doing this project. It was different from summer camp because we didn't do much interacting with the kids. But when we did, it was nothing but fun and games.

So fun story. We had just finished our second mural and we were waiting around the school to get some pictures taken. The students were being very disrespectful and we had to lock ourselves in the classroom. I could tell that the volunteers were getting really frustrated. I was frustrated myself. We were all so tired and worn out that we weren't in the best place at the time. I was mad at myself. I just wanted to go take a nap and be done with this school. We all felt defeated. I was defeated. When I found out that we would be doing ANOTHER mural the following week I was really not excited for it.  The night before we painted the third mural I was saying my prayers and I asked my Heavenly Father to bless me with the strength and courage to take on this next mural. I asked for the desire to want to play with the children and actually want to be there. Now something that I have realized out here in India is when I pray for something, the Lord has been VERY generous not only in my answers but in the timing of them. He works really fast in India haha. So we arrived at the school and all I wanted to do was run over to the kids and throw my arms around them. They were so welcoming and polite. As we were getting the paints and supplies set up, Lindsey noticed that one of the poles holding up their volleyball net had fallen down. Linds, Eric and I went out to fix it and I was thrilled. It felt like it had been a while since I had done service with a huge smile on my face. The kids were so helpful with bringing rocks to fill in the hole and everything. They were so happy to have us there. The net got fixed and we were able to play some games with them! Half way through painting I looked outside and saw Linds playing with the kids. Psh! I put down my paintbrush, washed my hands and went out to play. We taught them "Ring Around the Rosies" and we played "volleyball" with these rubber ring toys. The kids were absolutely thrilled. As was I. I was on cloud 9.

I painted this wall :)

Teaching them the "Hokey Pokey"

My boys

One more story: So we were able to paint a mural for the Alambana School for the Special Needs. What I haven't mentioned yet is that I will be able to be the project lead on teaching at this school. Being a special ed major and hoping to one day make it a career makes this opportunity amazing. (Another blog post to come about this project). We were painting a mural and I noticed that I had a little "shadow". He would stand next to me and watch me paint. We wouldn't say anything but his smile said it all. He loved the colors and the art. He looked about 12 years old. I pointed to the color yellow and asked him what color it was. Little soft noises came from his mouth. He couldn't speak. He physically could not talk. As sad as this was, I looked at this as an opportunity to help him and teach him. I took my experiences in the field to good use and tried my best to give him a little speech therapy. We would sound out the word slowly and eventually it got easier for him. We would say numbers, animals, shapes, colors. He knew them all. I pointed to the letter "M". He got really excited and pointed to himself. His name started with "M". I just knew it. He just wasn't able to say it. I made it a goal to learn his name but for the mean time, my little shadow's name was "M". I love this little boy so much and I cannot wait to teach him more. 

It was from that point on where I knew why Special Education was the field for me. The joy I felt while teaching "M" how to say 'lion', 'yellow', etc. was indescribable. A prayer I have been longing for the answer was answered today. This experience also helped me figure out why I had come to India. Why I decided to spend 3 months in a third (nearly fourth) world country. Why it was India I picked and not Fiji, Peru or Uganda. I was meant to be in India. Serving these beautiful people. Loving them. Unconditionally. I have learned how to love someone more than I love myself and it's a really good feeling.

Our mural for the Alambana School for the Special Needs

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