Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"Tickle those ivories and have a good day!"

Today after lunch, I walked over to my piano bench, sat down and started playing.
{I haven't played in a long time and it was exhilarating to play again}
I get lost in the music when I play that I usually don't notice my surroundings. 
During one of the songs I was playing, I looked up and saw my dad in the kitchen 
doorway watching me play.
He then walked over to stood behind me as I finished the piece.
After I finished, I looked up at him and my tender dad had tears in his eyes.
I stood up and gave him a hug and asked if he was okay.
More tears filled his eyes as he said quietly, "You just make me so happy. I love hearing you play."
He started walking in the other room and I went to give him another hug.
Asking again if he was going to be okay.
He answered quietly again with even more tears in his eyes, "You just make me so happy."
He left and went back to work.
As soon as he left, my eyes filled with tears.
All I ever want in life is to make my parents happy and proud of me.
And to have my dad say those words to me with such emotion took my breath away. 

I sat down on the staircase thinking about my relationship with my dad. 


You have always been my number fan since day one. 
Both you and mom have supported me with singing, dancing and piano.
I feel that we have a special relationship when it comes to piano though.
Because I was so involved with soccer, dance and voice lessons, the only time I could
take piano lessons were at 6:30 in the morning on Wednesdays.
You would take me each week knowing that I didn't want to go so early. 
It was in the opposite direction of work, but you still took the time to drive me to lessons.
Dad, I don't know if you remember this, but every week as I got out of your car,
you would always say, "Now go tickle those ivories and have a good day my Annie Boo!"
I play back those words in my head every time I "tickle those ivories".

Dad, you are the one who encouraged me each week with piano lessons.
You were always there for my dance concerts when I know you would 
rather be at home watching Seinfeld.
You were there right next to me when I quit Ensemble to go back to Clayton.
You didn't say anything during that meeting with Ms. Belnap,
but your support and comfort spoke louder than words.
You have made so many sacrifices so that I could continue taking dance, singing and voice lessons.
I have you to thank for my success in music and dance.
Without it, I wouldn't be the person I am today.
I thank my Heavenly Father each and every day for blessing me with an earthly father
who loves and cares about me as much as he does.
I love you Dad. Forever and always.
Thank you for encouraging me to "tickle those ivories and have a good day"!


Annie Boo

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